Finding A Balance In Your Financial Life

Two people come into the program (we’ll call them Joe and Tom). Both are extremely excited to be a huge success and change their financial lives forever. Joe is very strict with himself; he stops traveling and stops eating out. Joe was going golfing with his friends but he cut that back as well, he cut back on everything. The first month that he was in the program it was hard but he was determined to make it work. He stuck with it and made it to the second month. Joe started to make comments to his wife like he felt like the program was too restrictive. It was only a matter of time before Joe decided that he did not want to live that way. Not only did he go back to his old ways but he was worse off then when he had started down the path to financial freedom.
Tom on the other hand understood that you need to allow for balance if you want to have a chance of sticking with the program over the long term. He did not cut eating out completely out of the budget but he cut it down to once a week instead of everyday. He also found a balance to have fun, and to do a little traveling while he was on his way towards his financial. With each debt that he paid off he would go do something fun to celebrate his victory over his finances.
Unlike Joe, Tom found a balance in his financial life. He did not feel restricted he had fun with the program and made sure that he celebrated his victories. Find a balance that works for you and your finances and make sure that you are not feeling restricted. By doing this you set yourself up for long term success.

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