Finding Gold in You Backyard By: Adam Mortimer

Finding gold in your backyard was inspired by a story that you can find in the Prosper Success Center. The story is about a man in Africa that hears that people are finding diamond mines all over. He gets so excited about the news he instantly sells his farm that he owned free and clear and started to look all over for these diamonds. He spent his entire life searching for diamonds with no success. He was so upset that he had not found anything he threw himself into the creek and drowned. The man who bought the farm from him one day was out on the property near a stream on the land. He saw a purple and red shiny thing in the stream. He picked up the glittery stone and he placed it on his mantel above the fireplace. About three weeks later a man came to his house and saw the shiny stone. The man asked him if he knew what it was. The farmer thought that it was some kind of crystal. The stranger told him that it was a diamond and not just any diamond it was probably one of the biggest diamonds that he had ever seen. The farmer then replied that the stream was covered with those shiny things. The moral of the story is before you go out and try to make money in other places make sure that you are maximizing what you can do with what you have. Don’t be a dollar chaser. Dollar chasers are the people that are always going from place to place. If they hear there are people making money in NY they move there. They are always moving from place to place and from job to job but they are never spending or dedicating enough time to succeed at the things they want to do in life. Find what it is you are good at. Chances are you have a goldmine in your back yard. Tap into the talents and resources that you do possess before you go looking for gold in other areas!

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