Staying Positive by: Adam Mortimer

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.� -Winston Churchill

Are we looking at the bright side of things? What good comes from staying positive? There are those that enjoy a life with less stress because they are positive. This can definitely contribute to better health over the long run. People that are positive tend to have better relationships with friends and family. A positive attitude inspires creativity. When you are positive you tend to attract more positivity in your life. You always have hope in your heart instead of fear and despair. You inspire others to think and act in a positive manner as well. Being positive can really help you to see what others do not see.

How can you have a positive attitude if you find yourself in a negative environment? The first step is to not associate with those that would bring you down. Do not put yourself in that environment. If you find yourself in that type of an environment, then get out of it. May I recommend a small exercise that may help you hold yourself accountable for the thoughts that you are thinking. Take a small note pad and carry it around with you. Try this for one day. Count how many times you think a negative thought in a day. What you will find may surprise you. If you find yourself seeing the glass half empty, then try to look at things differently. Try to find the positive in everything that you go through. There is something to be gained from every experience that we go though. Being grateful for what you have can definitely help with your overall positivity. Define what you want in life and focus on it until you achieve it! Stay positive, and great things will happen!

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