Staying Motivated by Adam Mortimer

Staying Motivated
Zig Ziglar once said that staying motivated is like having a bath – the effects last only for a certain length of time, then you have to do it all over again!
If there is one things that can really determine the level of success that we achieve it is staying motivate. Too many people start down the path of success only to give up or lose heart in what they are trying to do. Maybe they put in place a plan to be financially free and something happens, maybe it is an illness in the family or an illness that you are going through yourself. Maybe the car needs some repairs and this has set you back. Whatever it is that you are going through, remember that no storm lasts forever! It will pass! At times when things are not going your way it can seem like it will last forever.
Staying motivated on what you are trying to accomplish is a crucial part of your financial success. How do we stay motivated when things do not go exactly as planned? I think that one of the best ways to stay motivated when things do not go exactly as planned is to have a plan b, a plan c, d and e. If we are prepared for what may happen and know the plan of action we will take if something does happen the way we had initially planned, we will have a better chance of not losing hope and staying motivated.
Also, having a support group will be a huge help to keeping you motivated. If you do not know anyone that is trying to do what you are doing, then find some family or friends that you can teach these principles. Do not hang around people that are going to bring you down. This can be a sure way to lose your motivation. What does it take to keep a fire burning? The key is that you need to feed the fire. It needs fuel otherwise it will burn out and eventually die. So, how do we do this? Knowledge can definitely feed the fire and keep you motivated. Reading the right books and going to seminars and also speaking to people that have already accomplished what you are attempting to do. Remember, that staying motivated is something that we need to constantly work at it is not a one time event!

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