Excelling at whatever you do by Adam Mortimer

Thought: What does it take to excel at what you do? I have seen people that have reached great levels of success, because they apply the principles of becoming successful. They know what it takes to succeed. Take away everything from them and somehow they can make it all back and then some. What makes these people so different from the average person? Why do so few reach such high levels of success. I believe that the difference is in their understanding of what it takes to excel at what you do. Successful people understand the important principles of success, like the process of creation. It does not matter whether it is more wealth, health, or better relationships that you want, the principles are the same. They understand that thoughts are things and that if they want to have something, they understand that they must hold it in their minds first, and that they must be very clear about what they want. They know that they must see what they want so clearly that it feels as if they have it now. This is one of the great principles that successful people have mastered.
Working Smarter: Work is part of the equation, but just working hard will not get you to where you need to be. Imagine that two people need to move the same size rock the same distance. One person starts to push and push. The second person finds a stick to give him leverage thereby accomplishing more with less effort. Out of those two people who is working harder and who is working more effectively? Successful people know how to get the job done effectively; they know how to produce the greatest returns with the least amount of effort.
Persistence: Being persistent is a trait of successful people that cannot be overlooked. Successful people do not accept temporary defeat as failure. They understand that it is the hard times that they grow the most. In weightlifting it is that last lift where you really struggle that the muscle actually tears. By tearing the muscle you allow it to grow back even bigger and stronger. Successful people never give up!
Responsibility: People that excel at what they do, take responsibilities for their actions. They do not play the blame game. They realize that the level of success that they want to achieve in this life is completely up to them. That is a wonderful things for them because they realize that excelling at what you do really is a state of mind and a willingness to live the principles of success. If you live you life this way, you truly will excel at whatever you chose to do!

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