Hope in the Midst of Fear by Adam Mortimer

These days it seems like every time we turn on the TV there is more bad news. This article is dedicated not to what is wrong with the economy but what is good about the US economy and hopefully your personal economy as well. Gas prices are well off its highs of 140 dollars a barrel, now it is trading around 60 dollars a barrel. The price of gas affects the price of just about everything. Interest rates have gone down again by another half a percent. That means lower interest on things like credit cards and home equity lines of credit. Mortgage lenders have stopped making toxic loans. It seems that they have return to a more wise approach to lending. Stocks are on sale. The saying on Wall Street is when there is blood in the street it is time to invest. Remember the whole name of the game is to buy low and sale high. There are a lot of really good companies that are trading low because of fear.
With your personal economy, the biggest hope that you can have in this economy is to make sure that your own personal economy is thriving and doing well. A huge part of this is controlling your spending. The more I coach people around the nation as well as internationally the more that I realize what most people are after is peace when it comes to their finances. Financial peace does not come with how much you make. We gain financial peace by learning to control our spending. Remember you can be broke on a high income. I often ask my students, if you had a million dollars in the bank at this moment, would you be wealthy? Without a doubt my students will say yes. Then I ask, what if your monthly expenses were one million dollars? Would you still be wealthy? I have never heard even one student say that they would be wealthy if that were the case. Therefore, we see that wealth is really relative to the amount of money that is going out the door each month. Real wealth is when you can maintain your current standard of living for the rest of your life without working. There are good things that are going on with the economy and hopefully your personal economy too. Building long term wealth is a marathon it is not a sprint. Living these wealth building principals will give you and your family hope in the midst of fear.

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