Back to the Basics by Adam Mortimer

Back to the Basics

Getting back to the basics and refocusing on what we are trying to accomplish should be a regular routine. Sometimes we can get to the point where we are trying to do so many things at once that we end up doing a poor job on everything. Focus on the things that are going to give you the greatest returns like tracking your expenses. Looking for ways to reduce your expenses and looking for ways to increase your income. If you keep your financial freedom plan as simple as possible you are bound to accomplish more without as much wasted time. Setting goals and keeping those goals is also one of the basics that we should be working towards. If we take the time to zoom out and look at what we are doing we are bound to be more efficient in accomplishing what we set out to do. Allow me to illustrate my point. Joe’s and Tom’s goal was to be financially free. Joe started to look for ways to reduce expenses and before he could find all the areas money was leaking he started to look for ways to make more money. He decided he wanted to make some money on ebay. He made one sale and then he started to look at ebay and stock market investing. He started to really look into the stock market and he spent a few months working on it when he decided that the stock market was not his thing. He started to look into real estate investing and before he could succeed with it he started to look for ways to make money online. He was constantly trying to do too many things without dedicating enough time to succeed at anything. Take the time to take a step back look at where you are headed. It does not hurt use to get back to the basics of what makes us successful.

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