Lessons from Millionaire Mentors By Adam Mortimer

Lessons from Millionaire Mentors

One of the most memorable lessons from my millionaire mentor was when he told me to “live now the way most people won’t so you can live the rest of your life like most people can’t.� My mentor said when he first heard of this concept he was so excited he told his mother of the plans he had to live now the way most people won’t. When he told her this she told him that he was wasting his time and that money was meant to be spent. He told her that he believed in this principle and he started to live a very frugal lifestyle. My mentor said that he has living as if he was still in college and that he was making a six-figure income. He continued to live this way for seven years. At the end of the seven years he had a very large nest egg saved up. He ended up investing in some high end storage units. The first month after opening his business he cash flowed about 50,000 dollars. He was so excited he called up his family and told them that he was going to pay for all of them to come to Hawaii with him. During their vacation they did just about everything there was to do. As they were on one of the nicest golf courses in Hawaii his mother came up to him and said, “you know son, I really like this live now the way most people won’t stuff.� There are so many people that do not delay gratification. They give up their future incomes to impress their friends and family. My mentor taught me that you can either be poor or you can be rich, both are equally hard. Make the decision now to live like nobody else so you can live the way that most people can only dream of living. Learning from a mentor is the fastest way to get you from point A to B financially. Find someone that has been successful financially and pattern your financial life around theirs.

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