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Why Do We Talk So Much About Goals?

Last week we spoke about Goal Setting and this week we are going to be talking about it again!  Yes, goal setting is that important.  Without goal setting we are like the proverbial ship without a rudder.  Goals give us purpose and direction.   In 2014 it is more important than ever that you have specific, measurable and achievable goals.  Success builds upon past success.   It is vital that you set smaller goals that you can accomplish right away in the program.  The reason for this is that if it takes […]

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Why do Your New Year’s Resolutions Always Fail?

Why is it that so many people set great goals and then they fail to follow through with them? What makes someone do something or not do something?  Why do you not take action on your goals?  What is the one secret to goal setting that will allow you to set and reach your goals every time? There can be a lot of reasons, but at the core you will find that the main reason you did not take action on your goals is emotion.  Emotion drives human behavior.  Typically […]

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Protected: Finance Graduate Call 9-10-13

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ENT Grad Call 5.13 Networking

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