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Why Do We Talk So Much About Goals?

Last week we spoke about Goal Setting and this week we are going to be talking about it again!  Yes, goal setting is that important.  Without goal setting we are like the proverbial ship without a rudder.  Goals give us purpose and direction.   In 2014 it is more important than ever that you have specific, measurable and achievable goals.  Success builds upon past success.   It is vital that you set smaller goals that you can accomplish right away in the program.  The reason for this is that if it takes […]

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Protected: Fin Grad Call- Back To The Basics 11-15-2012

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

A funny but true lesson in personal finances.

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Debt Settlement by Ross Landon

Many of our students are looking to Debt Settlement Companies to negotiate for them to try to get a reduction on their debt load. Typically that would only include their credit card unsecured debt. We see a lot of claims from these companies in the media nearly from dawn to dark. Working with these companies can cost a lot. The point is that many of our students could save that fee, which is usually at least 15-20% of the amount “settledâ€?. I recommend that you call your credit card companies […]

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