
Cash Flow Management

By: Bill Cherry Business analysts report that poor management is the main reason for business failure. Poor cash management is probably the most frequent stumbling block for entrepreneurs. Understanding the basic concepts of cash flow will help you plan for the unforeseen eventualities that nearly every business faces.   Many business people don’t realize there is a difference between cash and cash flow. Cash is ready money in the bank or in the business. It is not inventory, it is not accounts receivable (what you are owed), and it is […]

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Separate You’re Business from the Competition by Branding and Positioning

Every day we are bombarded by millions of messages. They’re everywhere, from print media to highway billboards, local supermarkets, public phone booths, our mailboxes, radios and television sets. Add to that the explosive growth of the internet and the new communication opportunities this medium presents, and today’s business owner or manager has a near-impossible task at hand; making his or her message stand out among the noise generated by others. Corporate giants long ago figured that the first and most important step in accomplishing this goal is maintaining a continuity […]

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Newspaper Advertising: The Grandaddy of All Media

Newspapers have been around since before radio, before TV, before direct mail and all the rest. For over one hundred years newspapers were the only media available for advertising. It was the only source of news and information people had available. As radio came along it took a small part on the newspaper’s advertising dollars, and when television came along it changed the whole advertising game. Today with the development of many competing media, the number of people who get their news, information, and entertainment from newspapers has fallen dramatically. […]

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Yellow Page Advertising: The King of Print Ads

Yellow Page Advertising, the King of Print Ads       The yellow pages are the most powerful advertising medium for certain kinds of businesses. Yellow page directories can be found in every home and almost every business. The total reach (the total number of people who have a directory) is almost 100% of the population.  Unlike other media, people use the yellow pages when they are ready to buy. If a buyer needs a lawyer, insurance agent, or a medical specialist he or she will go to the yellow pages to help […]

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