
Blogging- How do You know Someone’s Serious?

What do you mean? How can you imply that someone isn’t serious? Well like most hobbies, people have various degrees of seriousness with which they approach hobbies.  You can generally tell when a blogger is serious by the following: Frequency of posts Length of posts Topics and effort put into posts Designed for income generation Linking within posts This obviously isn’t a catch all for blogging but is a pretty good start. So the real question is…what does this have to do with me? Well the fact of the matter […]

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Performance Reviews

One of the most complex things a manager has to do is to manage the performance of subordinates.  If you are a business owner without alot of management experience this may be both akward and unclear for you the first couple of times out of the gate. Here are some suggestions from Ken Blanchard’s best-selling book The One Minute Manager: Agree on your goals See what good behavior looks like Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of paper using less than 250 words Read and re-read each goal, […]

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Webinars – A New Opportunity

Many business are beginning to use online seminars, also known as webinars, for both sales and training. Like so many technological advances which have increased effectiveness and productivity, webinars are fast becoming the preferred delivery method for business and consumers all over the world.  There are many advantages that a webinar can offer: Convenience – Many webinar platforms do not require a video confirmation, like video-conferencing. You can show up in your pajamas at home if you wish. This convenience appeals to many would-be participants. Reaching a Large group of […]

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The Consmer Transparency Revolution: Marketers Better Be Ready

The Consumer Transparency Revolution: Marketers Better Be Ready With the proliferation of camera and video phones, the posting of real time multimedia will continue to grow exponentially. An example is the recent Michael Richards fresco. The former star’s racial tirade went soaring through cyberspace within hours of the event. Anything that is said or seen by anyone can be recorded by phone cameras and up loaded to the web within minutes. How will this trend affect consumer behavior and marketing? Enormously. It will affect consumer behavior, marketing, product development, and […]

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