Create an Advertising Campaign That Works

There are five parts of an advertising campaign:
1. Objective
2. Strategy
3. Tactics
4. Budget
5. Evaluation

An advertising campaign exists to accomplish something usually to sell products or services. The objective must be measurable such as increasing the number of units or
dollars of sales, increase traffic etc
For example- sell 25 cars at a sales Friday, Saturday and Sunday increase sales by $12,000.

Strategy is the thinking/planning stage. This is the plan to accomplish the objective, what you will do. If the objective is to sell 25 cars and increase sales by $12,000 how will they do it.
For example-To sell 25 cars you may decide you need to use some kind of advertising, out bound calls to previous customers by the sales staff, and an on site event. These will be targeted at young males age 20- 35 years old.

In addition, we will offer special incentive to help close sales which will be free $350 undercoating when they buy that weekend.

Tactics are the doing part of the campaign. How will we execute the strategy that is planned? They decided to use advertising but what kind of advertising? On the out bound sales calls that sales staff with make, what will they say?

What will the sales script be that they use? Will the tactic be to tell the previous customer it was a service call and by the way we are having a great sale, or will it be a strait forward approach asking if they or a friend need a new car?

On the on-site event, what will it be? What will draw young males to the car dealer location? Celebrity appearances, a drawing to win an i-phone, a monster truck on the premises? What will it be?

Well we decided the tactics will be as follows:
We will use radio advertising, classified newspaper advertising, and the Internet.

Radio advertising- we know young males listen to a lot of radio so we will use radio advertising. But which stations? We learn that the four top stations that young males listen to are, KSOP- FM/AM country music, KFSI-FM, classic rock, KNRS/ FM talk, and KSL/FM, sports.

Classified advertising- We know that Saturday is the day most people look in the classified newspaper ads for cars for sale. In our market there are two newspapers we will advertise with, the Deseret News and t he Salt Lake Tribune.

Out bound sales calls- We decided the sales script would be a call from the sales staff saying that we are having a huge sale and previous customers are getting a special deal…blah, blah, blah.

On site event- We decided we will have a monster truck on premises for young males to get up in and see up close. We will use the theme of he monster truck to support a Monster Sale theme.

All the above don’t matter at all unless you have an advertising budget. In our case we will allocate $10,000. How will we allocate the budget the different areas?

We will spend $4000 for two full page newspaper classified ads in the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News.

We will spend $4,000 on radio advertising $1,000 on each station.

We will spend $2,000 on the Monster Truck on-site promotion

Finally the message for the advertising must be created and the ads produced.

After the campaign, there needs to be an evaluation. What went well, what could be better next time. Of course there are many variations that affect an advertising campaign.

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