Writing a Sales Letter

When writing a sales letter there are some key elements that you want to follow. The first is you need the headline to grab the reader’s attention, the headline does not check the reader attention then they are not going to read your letter, having a great header will make the reader stop and say I have to check this out. In the header you want to use conversational tones, appeal to the reader emotion.

The sales letter is not to make yourself look good or to entertain and be funny its only purpose is to bring in money, how you do this is by appealing to the readers emotion. People don’t care about the manufacture merits or heritage; they want to know what the product can do for them, they are in a “what is in it for me� mind set. If you do a good job answering that and the order will start flowing in. the way to do that is to convey the benefits not the features of the product. So what are some of the benefits for owning or going through that program? Example if you are selling a diet product, you want to show the potential consumer what the benefits are going to be if they take it, what do people want from the product, they want to be more active feel better be admired by others and be more attractive to the opposite sex. That what the consumer is going after,� what’s in it for me� answer that question and you can start generating sells. When you are writing benefits of your products, do it with then end result in mind. A good way to do this is with bullet point, it draws the reader’s eye to the words, and it is effective way to convey the benefits of the product.

Ask for the order, tell them why they should buy from you, do a time promotion, tell them they will get free bonuses if the order this week. A bride never hurt anybody when you are trying to make a sale, free bonuses, avoid paying more, limited supply; you have to provide the buyer with a reason why they should buy the product.

Start to eliminate risk; you do this by using guarantees, by take away the risk from them they are more likely to buy the product. For example use a guarantee the infomercials use whish is, if you are not 100% satisfied with this product we will refund you the money just pay shipping and handling, and you can keep the free gift. By giving them that guarantee you are more likely to get the sale from that person. By take the risk on your shoulders you are giving them more of an incentive to buy from you. Don’t be afraid to offer an insane guarantee if you believe in the product, if you don’t believe in the product then maybe you shouldn’t be selling it.

So just a recap make your website look simple, that means don’t highlight words, or use flashing or scrolling text, don’t use to many pictures. The sales letter should do the following, get the reader’s attention and keep them on the page , use a catchy headline, make the reader want your product by showing them the benefits it will give them, do promotions, give them a reason why they  should buy the product now, take the risk away from them make it a no-lose situation. That is what is going to help them want to buy from you.

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