Entrepreneurship 101

You may have heard various business consultants advocating the strategic philosophy of “working on your business, instead of in it.� Many entrepreneurs would readily agree with this sage-like wisdom, yet very few have the insight into how to actually execute on the idea. This disconnect has been the downfall of many a business owner looking to take his/her organization to the next level. How to I take myself out of the day to day grind, and really start thinking strategically and drive the business’ direction.

In an ideal world where an entrepreneur has all the time needed to take off the many “hatsâ€? of operations, people would readily gravitate toward this vital leadership role.  In many cases where business owners are so entrenched in just keeping things together, all the schedule planners and smart phones in the world couldn’t free up an additional hour for brainstorming business innovating ideas. Sad but true. In my opinion, time can and should be made for important things like planning and strategy. Do you ever go grocery shopping with the notion that you want to spend as much time as you can picking up what you need? – Of course not. You plan and devise a clever way of getting in and out as quick as you can by being as smart as you can.

Such is the philosophy of getting back to basics. In some cases, an hour worth of planning saves hours of execution and redoing shoddy work. Based on surveys of entrepreneurs, they’ve found 20 attributes which are strong indicators of success. These qualities, worked on and honed, may be just what you’re looking for. In 2008, whether it be hiring, project management, strategic alliances, or just qualities that you’d like to improve upon, it may be well worth your time to work on some of these entrepreneurial basics.

1. resourceful
2. ambitious
3. problem-solver
4. leadership
5. salesmanship
6. communicator
7. risk-taker
8. passionate/purposeful
9. visionary
10. innovative
11. optimistic
12. adaptability/flexibility
13. integrity
14. focus
15. self-motivation/autonomy/self-starter
16. strategist
17. team
18. determination
19. curious
20. balance

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