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Blogging your Way to the Top!

Many people now in a variety of different camps feel that blogging offers individuals and businesses an entire spectrum of benefits. I was recently reading a friend’s blog late last night, when after a while I realized that I had ended up reading 7-8 posts covering a 3 week span.  Some of the events were the ‘daily journal’ type of postings, but many of them were the personal insight and quirky ‘look into my soul’ late night ramblings. After about 30 minutes of flipping between postings and leaving comments I felt like […]

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Harry Potter Marketing

So let’s take a step back for a second and look at the phenomena known as Harry Potter.  For many of the die-hard Potter fans, waking up or staying up for the midnight releases has become…well sort of a ritual.  The midnight release parties and subsequent staying up and reading the book within the first 24 hours to avoid the plot spoilers or perhaps so they can log onto a Potter forum to discuss its intricate and meaning has taken on a fanatic life of its own.  So how does it […]

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Joint Ventures Part. 2

One of the key things in a successful joint venture is finding the right partner. Alot of times you can find someone with a ‘list’, but not all lists are created equal. Like many beginning entrepreneurs starting out, many people opt for a ‘free’ autoresponder platform.  As with most things in life….nothing is free.  There is quite a bit you give up (features and benefits) with free versions of anything – autoresponders being one of them. When seeking out a joint venture partner, list management is a key point. You […]

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Joint Ventures Part. 1

I was recently reminded of the power of joint ventures when a client of mine was looking to really jumpstart some sales of his new DVD. He had tried everything from email campaigns through purchased lists, pay per click marketing, advertising, flyers, and drumming up some word of mouth marketing.  Everyone of those startegies, at least for him, proved to be time consuming and ineffective. So what is the real solution? After meeting with him for about three weeks and really getting to know his business, we started out with […]

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