Joint Ventures Part. 1

I was recently reminded of the power of joint ventures when a client of mine was looking to really jumpstart some sales of his new DVD. He had tried everything from email campaigns through purchased lists, pay per click marketing, advertising, flyers, and drumming up some word of mouth marketing.  Everyone of those startegies, at least for him, proved to be time consuming and ineffective. So what is the real solution? After meeting with him for about three weeks and really getting to know his business, we started out with some simple things to improve his site conversion:

  1. Layout
  2. Compelling offers
  3. Free Sign-ups
  4. Aethestics
  5. Functionality

Then, we moved onto the usual SEO and SMO.  (By the way, I would highly recommend the SEO elective class with Mat Siltala and the SMO elective class with Brandon Buttars)  He saw some improvements in traffic and also rankings, but was really excited about the short term strategy of joint ventures. He latched onto this strategy pretty quickly, knowing that the impact of a huge list and a warm contact could be monumental.  So I had him contact a few people that we thought had big lists, and we under-monetizing them. Keep an eye out for the next post where we review the strategy details and the results.

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