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Killer Tactics Part 2

Offer what the competition can’t. Example: replacement guarantee.  Extend warrantee: Grandfather clock, the manufacturer offered a one year warrantee. The grandfather clock offered a three year warrantee because he knew very little chance of things going wrong. No haggle car buying. Tell sales person at the beginning how much they can discount the car to the customer. Let him make the decision. Create your USP: Make your business different from the competition. Most businesses in a category are pretty much the same. (Check out dentists in yellow pages) Example: Toothpaste example, […]

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Guerilla Marketing Tactics that Work

1. Using other businesses to increase sales: Joint ventures – One way to increase sales is to team up with other businesses that have the same target customer.   Example: Let’s say you own a tire store. Your target customer is pretty much men age 20 to 60 years old. You look for other businesses that have the same target customers. There is a local health spa in the area, Gold’s Gym.â€? There is also a sporting goods store several blocks away. You contact the owner or manager of Gold’s […]

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Writing a Sales Letter

When writing a sales letter there are some key elements that you want to follow. The first is you need the headline to grab the reader’s attention, the headline does not check the reader attention then they are not going to read your letter, having a great header will make the reader stop and say I have to check this out. In the header you want to use conversational tones, appeal to the reader emotion. The sales letter is not to make yourself look good or to entertain and be […]

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Direct Mail for Small Business 102

4. The problem of newspaper advertising: Very expensive: a full page ad in a major metropolitan newspaper can cost $30,000. The expense doesn’t allow small businesses to run ads more than one or two times a week. Only reaches 50% of a market: Example: Print run could be 100,000 Circulation could be 90,000 …Paid and free circulation Readership 60,000 and special sections such as sports could be12,000. You pay for the entire 90,000 circulation when you only want to reach your customers perhaps 10,000 in a five mile radius of your […]

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