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Business Plans – Final

Competition analysis comes next. Identify your four main competitors and write a paragraph about each one telling who they are, what they do, what they are good at, and what are their weaknesses. Include any other information that will add value to the analysis. Remember, you are trying to impress the investor with your data.  Do a good job. Next is the marketing plan. Show how you will make the business successful. How will you generate sales? How will you compete against the competition? Will you use advertising? If so […]

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ENT Division Podcast 10-20-08

Latest and greatest news, tips, and insights in your world of Entrepreneur news. Find out what’s going on in the world that you need to know about.

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Business Plans 202 – Supporting Documentation

The next section is for important documents. These will include a resume, three years of tax returns, and a paragraph on each key employee. In addition include copies of documents like your insurance policies, lease agreements and any other agreements with suppliers. The financial section comes next. These need to be put on a spreadsheet and you need to show the numbers for the first twelve months. Year two and three you only show figures each quarter of the year. You need to have done your home work and know […]

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Protected: Ent Grad Call 10-8-08

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