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Having a Website is Essential

Learning Objectives: Know why having a website is important for a business How a website builds credibility What customers expect from businesses What the new customer feedback is that has developed Today business moves at an astronomical rate. Back in the 80’s we used the “brickâ€? cell phone and could only get reception in a limited geographical area. The cost was very high but at the time we thought it increased our productivity by 50%. Today you can call anywhere in the United States with no long distance charges, and […]

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Entrepreneurial Review

With new life of spring fast approaching, many entrepreneurs look at this time of year as both a fresh beginning for life and business. It is time for out with the old and in with the new. Some may even remember New Year’s resolutions and take a renewed look at Q1 business goals. Now is a perfect time to dig into some of the testing you may have been running with different campaigns, marketing initiatives, joint ventures partnerships, the launch of new products and services, or phone scripts. Every once […]

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What You Need to Know About Blogging

By: Beau Graves There are many different resources out there for blogging, and there are also many different blogging platforms out there. We are going to discuss the basics of blogging, and some of things out there to look for when you are selecting a blog to use. A blog is used for many different things, it can be used to communicate with friends and family, it can be used for social purposes, it can be used for business dealings.  There are so many things that a blog can be […]

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Craig’s List 102

Posting Warnings Over posting: you can post multiple time a day on craigslist. BUT, you cannot and should not post the exact same ad multiple times in the same day, or in consecutive days. Craigslist monitors posts and will flag and remove duplicate posts. I suggest creating a few different ads for Craigslist, and rotating through them in a week, one or two a day.Never repeating the same one within two consecutive days. Adding Links to your posts: you are able to add HTML links in your post to your […]

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