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What About Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper Advertising: The Granddaddy of All Media Newspapers have been around since before radio, before TV, before direct mail and all the rest. For over one hundred years newspapers were the only media available for advertising. It was the only source of news and information people had available. As radio came along it took a small part on the newspaper’s advertising dollars, and when television came along it changed the whole advertising game. Today with the development of many competing media, the number of people who get their news, information, […]

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What You Need to Know About Advertising Using TV

All about advertising media: Topics covered: • It all starts with ‘Who Your Customer is.â€? • TV: The most powerful media, advantages and disadvantages and how to use it • Radio: The affordable media, advantages and disadvantages • Newspaper: The grand-daddy of media, how to and not to use it • Yellow pages: Small business’ best advertising • Direct Mail: The best media to target customers • Magazines: The image builder Introduction: Who are your customers? In my 25 years of working in the advertising and marketing business, I have […]

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Create A Unique Selling Proposition – The Most Powerful Marketing Tactic

-What is a Unique Selling Position? -The Over communicated society -We filter out the messages -Every business category does pretty much the same things -How to make the same businesses different The obvious USPs. What are the difference between you and competition? Express your message in different ways What a Unique Selling Position is: A USP is a way to make a product or a business different from their competition. It will make the public remember you, allow you to dominate market share, and give consumers a clear choice between […]

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