What About Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper Advertising: The Granddaddy of All Media
Newspapers have been around since before radio, before TV, before direct mail and all the rest. For over one hundred years newspapers were the only media available for advertising. It was the only source of news and information people had available. As radio came along it took a small part on the newspaper’s advertising dollars, and when television came along it changed the whole advertising game.
Today with the development of many competing media, the number of people who get their news, information, and entertainment from newspapers has fallen dramatically. Nevertheless, newspaper continues to be a powerful and effective advertising medium.

Different Kinds of Newspapers
Today there are a number of different kinds of newspapers. Of course there are the morning and evening daily papers, business newspapers, regional newspapers serving a specific geographical area, local community newspapers, and of course the shopper type of newspaper. Each of these newspapers delivers a different kind of reader at different prices.

Advantages of Newspaper Advertising
First, the daily’s and the regional newspapers give credibility and prestige to their advertisers.� If it’s in the newspaper, it must be OK.�
Second, newspaper advertising has a very wide reach covering a broad range of readers.
Next, newspapers are mobile. You can buy one at many locations and take it with you to work, traveling, home and any other place a person can go.
Because a newspaper is tangible, advertisements can be referred to over and over again exposing your ad to readers multiple times.
Newspaper ads can adjust their sizes to accommodate the amount of content in the ad. Large ads can contain many different items and services that can’t be advertised on radio or television’s 30 second spot.
While newspapers reach a broad range of different readers, it can still target certain segments. Business men and women can be reached by advertising in the local, political, and business sections. Women can be targeted by advertising in the entertainment or fashion sections. If you want to reach teens or young adults, don’t advertise in the newspaper. That generation gets all their information from electronic sources such as the Internet, TV, and radio. They don’t read the paper.

Disadvantages of Newspaper Advertising
Like all advertising media, newspapers have certain disadvantages. First, morning and evening daily’s extremely expensive for the advertiser. The regional and neighborhood papers have affordable advertising rates.
Second, newspapers cannot target certain specific demographic segments. You can advertise in the sports section to reach males 30 to 65 years old, but if you want to reach a narrower demographic, other media are better.
The quality of graphics in newspapers is limited resulting in photos and other images not looking crisp, and bright. News print, the kind of paper that is used to print newspapers is a course, cheap paper with which you cannot produce a high quality image. Newspapers are printed with a 90 line screen as opposed to a magazine with high resolution images printed at 150 to 300 line screen. The higher the number of lines in a screen, the higher quality image you can print, and news print can rub off on a reader’s hands or clothes.

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