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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs Pt. 3

When you have your message start writing your speech and your book or manuals. When you are finished determine how you will print them? Offset- print large quantities, larger cash outlay Print on Demand smaller quantities, smaller cash outlays print as needed. DVD or CDs – If you are a good presenter, do DVDs, if not use CDs. 1. can read your book into the microphone 2. give your speech 3. elaborate on speech principles Two ways to make CDs and DVDs 1. contact a professional duplicator, minimum order often […]

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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs Pt. 2

3. Printed materials, CDs and DVDs give the speaker credibility. When you send your materials to perspective conference planners, the fact that you have these materials gives you a great advantage over those speakers that don’t. The conference planner who hires the speaker must justify his/her decision to their supervisors, sometimes the CEO. The materials help sell them on you. 4.You must have a clear message for your speech and material content in order to create them.Your message needs to carry over into all printed material as well as DVD, […]

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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs

Topics covered: Why materials needed How speakers earn their fees Ways to create credibility Have a clear message How are you different from competing speakers? 1.Why speakers need these materials Four ways to earn money- speaking fee, sell books and workbooks, sell CDs or DVDs, book other speaking engagements. 2.  Fees are usually not enough. Many speakers work on a percentage of the door pus any product they sell. Don’s example: Big name real estate guru in property management in Las Vegas Other speakers are hired on a fee only […]

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