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SEO Constantly Changing

by Bill Cherry One of the on going changes in SEO is personalization. Recently Google implemented a wide spread integration of personalization in its search engine results. In the past, Google provided two search engine personalization techniques; customization of the individual’s Google home page for quick and easy access to the user’s customized information, and automatic personalization from an individual’s search history. Today there are new personalization features being used by Google. Just recently Google has combined both options for a user’s home page. Users who sign up for any […]

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Holiday Promotion

According to the latest research by the National Retail Federations and BigResearch, 40% of shoppers have begun their holiday shopping before this November.  Overall, 70% of respondents said they planned to purchase holiday items in discount stores such as Wal-Mart or Costco. Also, 47% of consumers said they planned to purchase holiday items online, while 25% intended to purchase from catalogs. The most active online buyers are consumers ages 18 to 44. By comparison, the most active discount store shoppers are consumers ages 55 and older. This year, according to […]

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Cash Flow Management

By: Bill Cherry Business analysts report that poor management is the main reason for business failure. Poor cash management is probably the most frequent stumbling block for entrepreneurs. Understanding the basic concepts of cash flow will help you plan for the unforeseen eventualities that nearly every business faces.   Many business people don’t realize there is a difference between cash and cash flow. Cash is ready money in the bank or in the business. It is not inventory, it is not accounts receivable (what you are owed), and it is […]

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Beyond the Obvious: Hidden Assets

In today’s business environment of rapid change, the typical product must be improved, reinvented or replaced every 18 months. Today’s hot seller will be tomorrow’s obsolete has-beens.   Over 20,000 new food products are introduced into the U.S. market every year. Less than five percent of them become successful and even less become super products. Over seven million patents were granted last year.

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