eCommerce Graduate Call Notes 02-18-15: Twitter

Twitter has a lot of value in todays business marketing strategy. Like facebook, pinterest and other social networking sites, Twitter has a huge following and helps to understand and set trends of what people care about online.

Twitter announced it had surpassed 200 million monthly active users, and generates close to a half a billion tweets per day.

Tips for Being Successful Using Twitter to Market your business:

1. Network with business associates, competitors and peers.

2. Update your audeince fairly regularly, but dont over load them.

3. Use Twitterfeed to help people stay updated.

4. Use Twitter at conferences and Trade Shows

5. Worry about what people are saying on twitter, its a virtual conversation after all.

6. Make twitter a hub

7 Add your twitter handle on your business cards, website, email signatures and other relevant places

8 Use Twitter to send traffic to other sites, especially yours

9. Get a cool template to brand your twitter account

10. Get follow me graphics to put on your site.

11. Keep it fun and casual

12. Don’t Email, Tweet

13 Promote your site through Twitter Contests

14. Participate as much as possible.

15. Ask for feedback

Key Things to understand about Twitter:

A. #basketballisawesome- Including this in a tweet, sends that message out to audiences that relate to what you tweeted

B. @name – When used will send a message to the person who owns that specific twitter handle.

C. Remember to keep your tweets to under 140 characters

D. Use URL Shortners to shrink the length of web addresses you want to share, and,  as an example

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