eCommerce Graduate Call Notes 01-28-15: How to Create Links for Article Submission

Writing articles is a great way to build up links to your site. A common problem that a lot of students run into when submitting their articles to the article directories is that they don’t know how to get the links in the article.

Before we get into the details of how to actually create the links for your article, here are a few key concepts that you’ll want to understand:

Use the same keyword phrases in the article that you are going to use for your links.
You can’t put links in the article itself, they go in the “Resource Box” or “Author Bio” area.
Don’t just use your domain name or URL for the anchor of the link, use a keyword phrase instead.

Most article directories do not use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, meaning that you have to actually put in HTML code in order to create a link for your article.

Here are the steps you should go through to create the links for your article submission:

Write Out Your Author Bio Before you even consider creating any links for your article, you should write the author bio. This is the final paragraph, sometimes called the “Resource Box” where you put in the little blurb about yourself and/or your site. Make sure that you use 1-2 of your keyword phrases in this bio so you can turn them into links.

Decide Which Page You’re Going to Link to When you’re doing article submissions, it is a good idea to do some deep linking whenever it makes sense to do so. Deep linking is when you link to another page within the site rather than just the home page. This helps you to create a good link popularity for the whole site, not just the home page (I’ll probably talk about this more in a future post).So once you’ve chosen your 1-2 keyword phrases, go to your site and grab the URL (address) of the pages that are most appropriate for you to link to with those phrases. I usually have at least one of them go to the home page, and the other go to another page.
Create the Link To create the link you’re going to need a little bit of HTML code. Here’s an example of how to do it.

Let’s say that I am going to create a link for the keyword phrase ‘website marketing’, and I’m going to link it to I’ll break the code down into two parts: what goes before the phrase and what goes after the phrase.

Before the Phrase
I would put this code snippet before the phrase: <a href=””> (you would replace it with your own address of course).

After the Phrase
After the phrase I would put this: </a>

So, once it’s all said and done, the code to create a hyperlink to using the phrase ‘website marketing’ will look like this: <a href=””>website marketing</a> when you insert it into the “Author Bio” or “Resource Box.” When the article is published it will look like this: website marketing.

There you go! That’s all you need to do to create a hyperlink for an article submission!

Code Variations

One thing I’ve learned from submitting to different article directories is that different directories like to see the code slightly differently sometimes. Here are some variations:

<a href=””>
<a href=>

Notice that the second one has no quotation marks around the address. This is the way that prefers it. On the other hand, prefers it the first way. Just use trial and error. The variation I showed you in the original example is the more common one, but every now and then you may need to use this variation.

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