The Ultimate Success Secret By Adam Mortimer

How can celebrating your successes actually make you rich? You are about to learn one of the greatest secrets of success known to man! On one level celebrating the victory involves having fun, yet perhaps you are wondering if you can do a good enough job at that. Have you ever felt a sudden loss of motivation after you started working towards a goal? If you have, then what you are about to read will change your life!

Bill was on all accounts an average man, a man with a goal to be rich. He learned from his coach a way to pay off all of his debts, everything including the mortgage in five to seven years. He also learned how to achieve financial independence. This all sounded great but how was he going to stick with it, especially when he had a history of starting a lot of things but not finishing anything.

He made a decision that he was going to do this with all of his heart, and really be successful. He started tracking his spending, monitoring his net worth, and making sure that he cut out all unnecessary expenses like eating out. This was no small undertaking for Bill, because he had always been a big spender in the past. Things started out great, until, for some mysterious reason, he suddenly lost all motivation to stick with the program until he had reached success. As time went by it seemed to get harder and harder to stick with it. Why is it getting so difficult, he thought? Bill wanted so badly to be a huge success.

Confused, he reflected, why am I having such a hard time staying motivated? Don’t I desire to be financially free? Don’t I have the road map in front of me? Where has my motivation gone? He was determined now to find the answer, so he read books, attended seminars, but he still was not finding the secret. He started to feel hopeless about. Then, when he least expected it, he learned a powerful concept that would forever change his life. The answer was so powerful that it impacted him on a very deep level…

Little did he know, the answer that would forever change his life would come from an unlikely source, his beautiful wife. Bill’s wife was, as he later discovered, feeling the same way as he was. As Bill’s wife thought back on what they had accomplished, she decided that they should celebrate what they had done so far, so they went out to eat at a wonderful restaurant. Something magical happened after this celebration, both Bill and his wife felt a new surge of energy. This new surge got them through another few months of the program. With each new milestone they decided that it is not only fun, but that it was crucial to celebrate along the way. Finally it clicked!

The celebrations went from eating out, exotic trips to Hawaii, Peru, and even a new car! Soaking up the sun and seeing the peaceful blue waves and the palms gently blowing in the wind had a renewing effect on each of them. Bill’s motivation skyrocketed with each new recognition of his victories! He had found what he was looking for!!! He was able to stay the course with this simple yet often overlooked key to success. Celebrating your successes will give you more motivation and it will make you rich!

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