Graduate Call Notes 2-17-15: Financial Habits

Financial Habits in Thought:

Today on our Financial Graduate call we discussed the importance of recognizing that our negative thoughts can hold us back from reaching our Financial Goals. We have to be mindful of limiting beliefs of negativity that don’t allow us to feel good that we will be reaching those goals anytime soon.

We need to learn that as we are in gratitude for the abundance that which we have received already, then we open up the door for more abundance flowing into our lives. We can then be in a positive mindset that creates more opportunities to take action that will open up the abundance to receive our desires or financial goals.

As we are in joy for each day and the abundance we have now and that which we will receive all falls into place to let that happen.

Financial Habits in Action:

Today we also discussed specific actions that we need to incorporate so that we can reach our financial goals. One is to track our expenses using a spreadsheet, AP, or program that we can track the details or facts of our spending. This allows us to see the spending in TV, eating out, cell phone, etc. After seeing these facts we can look at areas that we might be able to conserve more in.

By conserving and having more each month, we can see how much we might have each month extra that can allow us to pay down on our highest interest rate debt that we pay each month. This will in turn will allow us to head into financial independence that much quicker.

Another set of facts that we can track are the balance of our debts or liabilities. As we have that list we can in turn keep tracking our progress in paying down that balance of debts. This can be a motivating factor to continue our debt elimination plan as we can see our progress each month in how much debt has been paid down. We catch more momentum as we see our progress each month.

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