Applying the Law of Attraction

Run a publishing company. Stock investing. Coached students all across the U.S. and also internationally.

There are a few recent success stories concerning the law of attraction. One of my students was at the verge of financial disaster. We needed at least 1000 dollars in the bank to help him get out of the dilemma of living pay check to pay check. I had him watch the movie that secret and I told him to apply the lay of attraction. He did and within about a month he had about 4K in the bank. They were so excited about the law of attraction they told their daughter about it. There daughter had been looking for work she had been struggling to find a job for about 3 months. The very week that she applied the law of attraction she had three job offers. One of my students had been struggling with some health issues as well as his finances. When I first met him he had the attitude that the world had done this to him and there was nothing that he could do about it. He was truly being acted upon instead of acting We are not to be acted upon we are to act and create. By the sound of his voice he I could hear that he was not doing so well health wise. I asked him to apply the law of attraction and almost immediately his health began to improve. His income started to go up as well. Just elevating you view can make a world of difference. If you are starting at the ground that is all you are going to see. Many people that are always staring at the ground sort of speak never see all of the great opportunites that are all around them.

The famous author of The Power of Positive Thinking once told this story.
A man once telephoned Norman Vincent Peale. He was despondent and told the reverend that he had nothing left to live for. Peale invited the man over to his office. “Everything is gone, hopeless,” the man told him. “I’m living in deepest darkness. In fact, I’ve lost heart for living altogether.”
Norman Vincent Peale smiled sympathetically.
“Let’s take a look at your situation,” he said calmly. On a sheet of paper he drew a vertical line down the middle. He suggested that they list on the left side the things the man had lost, and on the right, the things he had left. “You won’t need that column on the right side,” said the man sadly. “I have nothing left, period.”
Peale asked, “When did your wife leave you?”
“What do you mean? She hasn’t left me. My wife loves me!”
“That’s great!” said Peale enthusiastically. “Then that will be number one in the right-hand column—Wife hasn’t left. Now, when were your children jailed?”
“That’s silly. My children aren’t in jail!”
“Good! That’s number two in the right-hand column—Children not in jail,” said Peale, jotting it down.
After a few more questions in the same vein, the man finally got the point and smiled in spite of himself. “Funny, how things change when you think of them that way,” he said.

Think possitivley. Pole Vaulting experience. Practice working with the coach and succeeding.

The whole idea is to help us understand the following “They themselves are the makers of they themselves.�

As a man thinketh “Mind is the master power that molds and makes and man is mind and evermore he takes the toll of thought and shaping what he wills brings forth a thousand joys a thousand ills he thinks in secret and it comes to pass environment is but his looking glass.�

Think and grow rich. Thoughts Are Things. When thoughts are mixed with a definite purpose and Persistence and a burning desire. It will materialize!!! Intangible thoughts can grow to materialize. The things that we have in our lives are do to our thoughts. This is the process of creation.

1. Ask The First step in the law of attraction is Belief and Faith Write it out. Write out exactly what you want. Make sure that you write it out in the present tense. The subconscious mind thinks in the present tense. If you think of the dreams that you have had in the past they will always be happening now in the present. They make take place in the past or future but they are happening now. Though my experience with the mind as I studied the art of hypnosis I learned that the subconscious mind thinks in the present tense and we communicate with the subconscious mind though visualization. Many people will set goals and they have a feeling of resistance. They might want to have additional income lose weight but every time they attempt to do something it ends up being sabotaged. There may be some negative tapes that are playing over and over in your mind. These tapes are thoughts that could have been put there by people you trusted and believed and they are having a negative affect on you. They could be things that people have told you and you believed them. People may have said that you are not good enough or you will never be rich. If theses are accepted as beliefs by the subconscious mind they will be acted upon and they will become a self fulfilled prophecy. We need to know the process of rewiring your mind. Indeed, if you can control your thoughts you can control your destiny. There was a prosper coach that was mentored by napoleon hills mentored. He explained the workings of the subconscious mind as follows. Imagine that you have a gate at the entrance of the subconscious mind. Imagine that there is a little devil there. His job is to try and stop the positive thoughts that are coming in you mind that might alter your beliefs. Every time that you try to put in a positive thought that could alter your accepted beliefs he tries to stop it and replace it with a negative thought that reinforces the previously believed thoughts. The only way to get past this little devil is to flood you mind with positive thoughts. Again to do this it is important that we mix positive emotion and we are imagining what you want is already in your possession. It is so crucial that we mix the positive emotion of faith into it. Imagine that your positive thought Even if you do not know exactly how it is going to happen just write it down.
2. Believe that it is already yours. Visualization is key. Our actions are driven by our beliefs. If you truly believe in the law of attraction it will work. There are steps to developing faith. Autosuggestion. This is how we influence the subconscious mind. You must mix your order to your subconscious with visualization, emotion and faith. Seeing and feeling the goal that you want to accomplish is the key. See it and make it so real that you can feel it.
a. the subconscious will act on the messages that we give it in absolute faith. The subconscious mind communicates through imagination and it can take longer for it to understand. Therefore, be persistent and continue to give that part of your mind orders until it makes it happen.
b. State the exact goal you would like to accomplish with an exact date. State how you will accomplish this goal and what you will give in order to accomplish the goal. The last step is believe it until you can actually see it
c. Repeat this morning and night; again remember to imagine what you want with emotion.

3. Feel the way you will feel once you have accomplished it.
This is the process to creation remember that thoughts are things. Doubt brings fear. It is important that we replace doubt with an unshakable faith.


The Secret
Think and Grow Rich
As a Man thinketh

2 Responses to Applying the Law of Attraction

  1. Micah July 25, 2008 at 8:18 am #

    Life runs so much easier when we beleive we can accomplish what we need to do, and believe in ourselves.

  2. Brice July 25, 2008 at 10:18 am #

    I believe in the law of attraction. It is really all about your mind and isolating and concentrating on the things that you want out of life. Whether it has to do with money or family or what ever your desire. The only real person that will stop your dream is you. You cannot control other people but you can control what you thing and do. If you work on this daily this focus of the mind the sky is the limit.

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