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Discovering Your Dreams by Adam Mortimer

Discovering Your Dreams It is amazing to me how many people really do not know what their dreams are. It seems that as people get older their dreams tend to shift and way to many of us lose what our dreams are altogether. Here are a few tips that may help you to discover or rediscover what your dreams really are what do you enjoy doing? Make a list of all the things that you are good at and really enjoy doing or what you would really like to do. […]

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Staying Positive by: Adam Mortimer

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.â€? -Winston Churchill Are we looking at the bright side of things? What good comes from staying positive? There are those that enjoy a life with less stress because they are positive. This can definitely contribute to better health over the long run. People that are positive tend to have better relationships with friends and family. A positive attitude inspires creativity. When you are positive you tend to attract more positivity in your life. You […]

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Staying Motivated by Adam Mortimer

Staying Motivated Zig Ziglar once said that staying motivated is like having a bath – the effects last only for a certain length of time, then you have to do it all over again! If there is one things that can really determine the level of success that we achieve it is staying motivate. Too many people start down the path of success only to give up or lose heart in what they are trying to do. Maybe they put in place a plan to be financially free and something […]

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Creating Great Habits by Adam Mortimer

Creating great and lasing habits should be a goal that all of us should constantly be working on. How do you create lasting habits? The key word is consistency! What are the great habits that will help us reach our goal of financial independence? The habit of looking at the positive side of things is crucial. Staying positive can help you to see the opportunities in even the hardest times. Making a habit of holding yourself responsible is crucial. Holding yourself accountable for the mistakes that you have made with […]

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