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Where are we in Tytler’s cycle?

From bondage to spiritual faith; • From spiritual faith to great courage; • From courage to liberty; • From liberty to abundance; • From abundance to complacency; • From complacency to apathy; • From apathy to dependence; • From dependence back to bondage. Where are we in this cycle that all democracies go through?  (By the way, we’re a Republic, not a democracy!) Read Robert Kiyosaki’s article HERE

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What Have You Asked For? By Adam Mortimer

There was a King that was once asked a man, “what do you want from life?” He shrugged his shoulders and thought for a brief moment then said I want to be able to pay my bills and get by. “As you wish”, the King said, and the man lived a life of wants always just being able to pay his bills but never a penny more. The King asked a second man, “What do you want?” The man said, “I would like to have enough money to pay my […]

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PIPELINES!!! By: Adam Mortimer

A pipeline is, as you recall, a stream of income that once you have it set up you do not have to do anything but let the money roll in. A few pipelines that I have been working on lately are the card game that my wife and I invented and had mass produced in China and distributed all around the world and an iphone app. The most recent pipeline that I have been working on is the iphone app that is now up and running and generating income for […]

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Protected: Start A Small Business

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