PIPELINES!!! By: Adam Mortimer

A pipeline is, as you recall, a stream of income that once you have it set up you do not have to do anything but let the money roll in. A few pipelines that I have been working on lately are the card game that my wife and I invented and had mass produced in China and distributed all around the world and an iphone app. The most recent pipeline that I have been working on is the iphone app that is now up and running and generating income for me as I sleep. I can’t tell you how cool it is to get royalty checks. I often try to tell my students once you have a taste of a pure p1 pipeline it is addicting! Be careful! ? You may just make enough money to get everything you ever wanted and live happily ever after! I know that saying is from a movie but I can’t remember which one. Anyway, students often get stuck on the what and the how. What are they going to do and how are they going to make money with it. The first step is to really get to know yourself. Find your strengths and your weaknesses. Find what it is you are truly passionate about! Find a need that people have and YOU come up with the solution to the problem. Problem solving is a VERY BIG industry. Learn to be a good problem solver. When someone comes to you with a problem and complains about something. Instead of joining in, see if you can find the solutions to their problems. This can help you get in the pipeline mindset. Also, remember as Napoleon Hill taught, thoughts are things! You attract you have you become the things that you are thinking about. If you want a lifestyle of abundance and wealth start thinking about it NOW! Your thoughts today become your future tomorrow. What do you want your tomorrow to look like? You can have it if you have enough faith to get to work on the pipeline goals that you have. There is no looking back! Once you get a taste you are on a totally different level of consciousness. Good luck, and remember to start telling your mind all the things you do want instead of focusing on what you don’t. You will get what it is you are focusing on. Focus on PIPELINES! God Bless

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