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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

This week's tip is provided by Charlie Machinski.

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Back to the Basics by Adam Mortimer

Back to the Basics Getting back to the basics and refocusing on what we are trying to accomplish should be a regular routine. Sometimes we can get to the point where we are trying to do so many things at once that we end up doing a poor job on everything. Focus on the things that are going to give you the greatest returns like tracking your expenses. Looking for ways to reduce your expenses and looking for ways to increase your income. If you keep your financial freedom plan […]

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Lessons from Millionaire Mentors By Adam Mortimer

Lessons from Millionaire Mentors One of the most memorable lessons from my millionaire mentor was when he told me to “live now the way most people won’t so you can live the rest of your life like most people can’t.â€? My mentor said when he first heard of this concept he was so excited he told his mother of the plans he had to live now the way most people won’t. When he told her this she told him that he was wasting his time and that money was meant […]

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Is the sky falling?

Over the last couple of weeks I just have to laugh. I know it’s not funny to see the market like this but it is incredible to see the swings it is under going. We are seeing market swings in the range of 500 point or more and mostly in the down direction. That is what is incredible I have never seen volatility like this ever. That Being said the sky is not falling, if you are invested right. I have talked to a lot of my friends who have […]

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