
Franchising: Is it the Right Choice for You?

By Bill Cherry Every year thousands of prospective business owners want to buy a franchise business. Some franchises are very good, and others are scams. Below is some helpful information everyone considering investing in a franchise should know. What is franchising? A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name or advertising symbol, and an individual or group seeking the right to use that identification in a business. Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services that are supplied by the franchiser […]

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Create Business Plans that Get Investors

June 30, 2010 by Bill Cherry There are several good reasons to have a business plan. First, most people want to use a business plan to get investors. A potential investor needs a good reason to give you his or her money. Second, going through the process of creating a business plan forces one to examine every detail of the business venture resulting in gaining a detailed knowledge of every aspect of the business. The third reason is to keep a business on track. Many businesses can get side tracked […]

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How to Create an Advertising Campaign

June 23, 2010 by Bill Cherry Creating an advertising campaign starts with defining three things: 1. Establish an objective 2. Develop a strategy 3. Create the tactics to accomplish the strategy 1. Establish an objective- what do we want to accomplish? Increase sales dollars, sales percentages, or sell a certain number of units. There can also be non monetary objectives such as developing the image or awareness of a product, service, or person. 2. Develop a strategy- the strategy is the thinking and planning how to accomplish the objective. Will […]

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Get Started in Marketing

June 19, 2010 By Bill Cherry Many business owners and managers think that sales is marketing. That’s not exactly correct. Sales is part on marketing. In business classes there is a principle called the four “P”s of marketing. They are Price, Place, Promotion, and Product. All marketing activities fall into one of those categories. Marketing means different things to different business people. If you ask ten business professionals what marketing is, you will get ten different answers. My view is that a business exists to earn money, not to improve […]

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