
Marketing Secrets No One Knows

Entrepreneurship Graduate Group Coaching Call Introduction Many businesses feel pressure because of tight cash flow, and a lack of resources. Here are some ways to find new value with little or no costs. 1, Turn Unused things into assets- Spa tanning beds- Spa owner needed more business but had a bad location. She had 4 new tanning beds that were never used. She said they were costing her money every month. I said these are an asset. Make some coupons for 10 free tans and have your staff give 10 […]

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How to Use Direct Mail For a Business

Introduction What is direct mail and how is it used? Of all of the major types of advertising that businesses use, direct mail can be the most effective. The goal of direct mail advertising is to get the recipient to read it and act. Junk mail “I tried direct mail advertising once and it didn’t work.” I have heard those words hundreds of times from owners and managers of businesses. The fact is, all major advertising works when used correctly and at the right time. Direct mail is often referred […]

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The Best Business Marketing Materials

There are many different kinds of marketing materials businesses use and most of them are ineffective. Most business managers and owners have not been trained in marketing let a lone marketing materials so they need some help. Following are some of the basic marketing materials every business should have. The most basic materials for marketing are the simple business card, #10 envelop, and letterhead. In this age of email and electronic communication, one of my students ask, “What is letterhead?” It was a reminder of how wide the gape is […]

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Save Money on Your Business Printing

April 6, 2011 Entrepreneurship Group Coaching Call One of the biggest marketing expenses for most large or small businesses is printing. From business cards, to brochures, to presentation folder it all adds up to a large amount. For most business owners the printing is mysterious. They don’t k now how a brochure is created and printed and they don’t know whether the printer they are using is the best one for their needs. They certainly don’t know how to get price bids from several printers. In this lesson I will […]

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