The Best Business Marketing Materials

There are many different kinds of marketing materials businesses use and most of them are ineffective. Most business managers and owners have not been trained in marketing let a lone marketing materials so they need some help. Following are some of the basic marketing materials every business should have.

The most basic materials for marketing are the simple business card, #10 envelop, and letterhead. In this age of email and electronic communication, one of my students ask, “What is letterhead?” It was a reminder of how wide the gape is between the new electronic marketing and traditional marketing.

Why does having any letterhead and envelops matter since everyone today uses email. When everyone is doing one thing, good marketing says do something different to stand out. When a prospective customer receives a letter now days they notice and remember who sent it.

Many business owners have their business cards printed on one kind of paper with their picture on them and at the same time have sheets and envelops for letters that are each on a different kind and color of paper. Nothing says armature like business cards, letter head and envelopes that don’t match.

To look professional, one needs to print a set of business cards, letterhead, and envelop on the same paper. Use the best paper you can get. Ask a printer which brands are the best. Get a 24 pound bond paper for the letterhead and matching envelop and 80 pound cover weight for the business cards. In addition make sure the paper has a water mark on it.

The best colors are either bright white, off white, light blue etc. Subtle colors are the best. Print these marketing materials in two colors of ink, black being one and the second color another conservative color; that is unless you are a video store.

Have a professional graphic designer design your materials. Don’t do it yourself. Do these things and you will make a lasting impression on business people you want to impress. Instead of using e-mail for all you’re prospecting, send letters and you will perceived as a professional.

Direct mail is one of the best advertising media for small businesses. With direct mail you can target any customer demographic by age, sex, race, geography, and other categories. You can also target customers by life styles such as those who love to mountain bike, or play tennis.

There are several kinds of direct mailers. The most cost effective are post cards. They are inexpensive to print and to mail. Again post cards can target any customer group for a reasonable price. Post card size and paper weight is regulated by the U.S. Post Office. Go to the Post Office and get a packet of guidelines for creating your mailing.

You can print on one or both sides, one color up to four color, and on glossy or non glossy paper. There is not much area to put your message so you must be brief. Be sure to put a good offer on your post card.

If you are mailing to white collar professions such as doctors, lawyers, and architects send letters not post cards. Make them look professional.

Coupons can be a powerful selling tool if used correctly. Over the years I have seen business owners use coupons with 10-20% off on certain products and they rarely get good response. To make coupons work really well they need an offer of at least 25% off and more is better. Anything less and you waste your money. Down loadable coupons work the same way. There has to be enough of a discount to motivate a person to buy from you.

Brochures are also a very important marketing tool. Every business needs a brochure. It makes the business look professional and it tells people what you do and sell, and why they should buy from you. You can use glossy or non glossy paper, it doesn’t matter. Have a graphic designer design your brochure also for a professional look.

Get testimonials from every customer you have and print them on the customer’s letter head. Use them as selling tools. They are the most powerful tools you can use in selling.

Product packaging must also be designed to promote the product and to stand out from the competition. Packaging can increase the perceived value of a product, as well as create the kind of image that will help the product sell.

There are hundreds more marketing materials available to use. These are just a few basic ones. Give some of them a try and see how valuable they can be.

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