How to create an E-book

by Bill Cherry

1. What are the steps to create an E-book?
2. How to determine the format of the book?
3. How important is the cover design?
4. How to create a name for marketing the book?
5. What are the nuts and bolts of creating an E-book?

What are the steps to create an E-book?

First: Determine the topic of the book.
Second: Do the subject research.
Third: Write the text of the book.
Fourth: Create the cover and text design
Fifth: Create a website and marketing materials.

Writing the book:

You can write the book yourself. Some are afraid to do that.
You can have someone else write the book ex.
You can interview six to ten authorities on the subject and record them, then transcribe them and make them into a book.

How to determine the format of the book?

There are a variety of ways to format the text and cover. There are no set standards of formatting an E-book. The length of the book can be any number of pages, as short as 5 pages to 55 pages or more. There are no standards to follow to create a book cover. The best way to determine a format is to copy one you like from a printed book.

Formatting the text:

The text of the book should be written to start with in a standard 81/2 x 11.” Make this size your master size. From this size of the master document you can create any size or format; it is very difficult to change the format from another size into other sizes. Keep the master format in an 81/2 x 11.”

Use standard margins
Use a standard and easy to read font. Use upper and lower case. Use 12 point font unless you have a good reason to make it larger and easier to read.
Line spacing should be one line space or a space and a half. Again this is your book so do as you like.

Design of the text pages:

You may not have noticed it but the text pages in every book have a different format. The page numbers are either at bottom center, outside lower corner or even outside corner. The margins can be left, right, or center justified. Will you indent the beginning of each paragraph? How wide will the margins be?

Will there be some kind of design element such as a horizontal line across the top pf the page or will there be a second color? If you decide to use a second color, use it sparingly. People have a tendency to over use it. If you are going to print your book the second color on your text pages will increase your printing costs.

Visit a book store:
Go to a large book store like Barnes & Noble or Borders and look through many books to find a text format you like and use that. No it is not stealing.

Look at many book covers:
Book marketers say a compelling book cover can make a successful book. Study the cover layouts, the colors that stand out, and the art. See what works and use those principles on your book cover.

Is it important to have a great cover on an E-book?
Yes. A printed book needs a great cover because it is displayed on a book store shelf next to competing books. It competes for the customer’s attention. Generally the shorter the title the better and easier to remember. A good example is Robert Allen’s first book Nothing Down. Short powerful, and says what it is with few words.

Does an E-book need a compelling cover since it will not be competing on a book shelf in a book store? Yes. The better you title and cover, the greater the perceived value of the book and it will sell for a higher price.

Where to get an E-book cover designed? Find a local graphic designer or one online. A good source is a website . You can get book covers, logos, and many other graphics done very cheaply.

How about photographs or graphics? Sure, you can put both in the text and the cover of your book. Make sure they look professional.

PDF format: When your book is completed, save it to a PDF file. When in a PDF file no one can change any of it. Ask a Prosper coach about how to PDF your book.

You will need a simple website to sell your book. A home page and perhaps one more. See one of my websites for an example. You will need to use SEO and PPC techniques as well as social media like Facebook and Twitter. Other conference calls explain marketing in detail.

The design of the website:
1. Use a “sales letter” format. One main page similar to a long direct mail sales letter. No contact me or about us pages needed.
2. Use a compelling photo and headline to get the reader’s attention.
3. Create a list why people should buy from you and use it in your website copy.
4. Use highly promotional text (copy) with emotional words and phrases.
5. Use a format of: present the problem, then give the solution your book will solve, and then give a proof that it works like a testimonial. Repeat this pattern over and over using different words and formats. Use highlighting, colors, boxes, bullet points, testimonials. Anything to break up the text and highlight points.
6. Include several chances to order your book.
7. Offer several free bonus books if they order now. The more the better.
8. Keep stating your reasons to buy throughout the copy.

Some resources of interest for E-books:

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