Creating and Marketing E-Books

April 28, 2010
by Bill Cherry

Creating an E-book:
Today more and more people want to make money making and selling E-books. That part of the publishing industry is growing at a rapid pace. It is one of the many ways one can make money on the Internet. I have coached hundreds of students how to create E-books and many have been very successful; it is not as difficult as you might think.

1. Determine the concept or the topic of the book. You have to pick a topic people are willing to pay for. Look around society for what people are afraid of, excited about, or interested in. Are there trends that affect them such as 70 million baby boomers retiring within a few years?

2. Writing the E-book is the next step. There are several ways to write, or I should say create the content of an E-book. First you can write it yourself. If you have written a research paper in school you can write an E-book, they are exactly the same.

Do research about the book’s topic on Google. There is plenty of information there. When you have gathered enough information, put it all together just like you wood a research paper.You will then have an E-book you can sell. Second you can interview experts and transcribe them. Put them in a logical order and you have a darn good E-book.

Another way to create an E-book’s text is to get someone else to write it. You can hire someone at a website to write it or pay someone else to write it.

3. Format the text like a normal Word document. Use simple fonts with 12 point type. Don’t get fancy. Create a cover for the e-book. The more professional the cover looks the more people will pay for it. Again go to to get your cover designed. Finally create the title. The title can be the most powerful marketing element of the book. Make the title say exactly what the book is about, no fancy titles.

Marketing the book:
Marketing is where the rubber meets the road. It is the critical part of your project. Getting people to your website is your goal. Most often an E-book will have its own website. You can also sell your E-book through websites like Click Bank. Check it out. You can create E-mail campaigns or sell it on other E-book selling websites. For our purposes I will explain using a website.

1. The website will follow a sales letter format. It will not have any tabs like About Us. It will be one plain, long home page. That’s all. It will be just like a sales letter you get in the mail at home.

2. It will be written with very promotional text with lots of emotional and descriptive words. The whole purpose is to get the reader excited enough to buy your book.

3. There is a simple formula you can use when writing the text. Present the problem, then present your E-book as the solution, and finally prove your book works with a testimonial. Keep repeating that pattern in different ways.

4. Use different elements on the layout of the text to prevent boredom. Use plenty of white space to make it easy to read. Next use different elements like yellow high light over text, and color, (only one color besides black). Use bullet points and boxes to vary the visual format. And finally make the offer illresistable.

5. Make the offer to buy your book irristable. Give the reader several opportunities throughout the text to order the book. Feature the benefits your book will give the reader. Front load the offer with 3-5 bonus E-books or reports. These are simple short reports.

Make the offer to buy so compelling that the reader can’t “not” buy the book. When they buy the book have it downloadable from your website. Offer a 100% money back guarantee and repeat it often. You can see a perfect example of a sales letter website at Take a look, analyze it. Follow its format and you will have a good sales letter website that will sell your E-book.

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