Local Internet Searches are Growing at Astronomical Rates

webpages Local Internet Searches are Growing at Astronomical Rates Internet search marketing is seeing a significant growth in local consumer searches. Local online advertising is projected to account for $1.3 billion in spending this year and increase by nearly 51% the next year to $2.0 billion. Local search is experiencing strong growth as more consumers adapt to the ‘always on’ nature of their broadband connection, which enables them to quickly find information on local businesses. With approximately 849 million local searches conducted by Americans in July, local advertisers have a sizable market that can be reached through leading search sites. In July of this year, 63% of U.S. Internet users, approximately 109 million people, performed local searches online; a 43% increase compared to a year earlier in 2005. These local searches included local directories like online yellow pages and local businesses. 41% of those conducting a local search were searching for something in their home area, as opposed to searching for information on businesses in locales that they intended to visit. Among those searching in their home area, 59% indicated they were searching for a restaurant or something entertainment related such as a theater, theme park or an attraction for sightseeing. And 41% were looking for information on local services, including car rentals, dry cleaners and lawyers. Another 52% said they searched specifically for a business phone number or address. As with all Internet searches, Google has the largest share of local searches at 30%, closely followed by Yahoo! at 29%. Microsoft captured 12% of local searches, followed by the Time Warner Network with 7%.     




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