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Health Trends in Marketing

Consumers’ interest in looking and feeling good is fueling healthy online product sales. “It’s not just about prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs,â€? says Jonathan Tinter, chief marketing officer at Inc., No. 32 in the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide. “Natural products, both in terms of homeopathic medicines and natural cleaning, hair, and makeup products; vitamins and supplements; and beauty have been huge growth areas for us.â€? Industry analysts predict that will be the case for online health care retailers overall. For example, consumers spent $1.3 billion online for over-the-counter and […]

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Internet Research: A Must for Success

The Internet is full of all kinds of research companies. Below are just several I have seen and even collected free data from. In most cases, the data, and research these companies do is done for profit and they sell the specific studies. In the case of you must sign up for their annual service in order to get their information. After you join, you get access to a lot of studies, reports, and surveys, but there are still many different survey results that must be purchased. Some other […]

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Separate You’re Business from the Competition by Branding and Positioning

Every day we are bombarded by millions of messages. They’re everywhere, from print media to highway billboards, local supermarkets, public phone booths, our mailboxes, radios and television sets. Add to that the explosive growth of the internet and the new communication opportunities this medium presents, and today’s business owner or manager has a near-impossible task at hand; making his or her message stand out among the noise generated by others. Corporate giants long ago figured that the first and most important step in accomplishing this goal is maintaining a continuity […]

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