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Joint Ventures Part. 1

I was recently reminded of the power of joint ventures when a client of mine was looking to really jumpstart some sales of his new DVD. He had tried everything from email campaigns through purchased lists, pay per click marketing, advertising, flyers, and drumming up some word of mouth marketing.  Everyone of those startegies, at least for him, proved to be time consuming and ineffective. So what is the real solution? After meeting with him for about three weeks and really getting to know his business, we started out with […]

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Mobile Video Will Change Everything

By Bill Cherry At the first quarter of 2006 there were 3.3 million mobile video users, and by the first quarter of 2007 the number of users jumped to 8.4 million according to a recent study by Telephia Inc.  In addition, the study showed that half of the current users are just fine with advertising messages on their video content. There’s no question that mobile video is the medium of the future, and many of the large media companies like ESPN, CBS, and MTV are planning on it. They have […]

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The Beauty of the iPhone Hype

It is days till the release of the anticipated iPhone, and yet there are millions of posts and websites and articles and press releases and general chatter about this new phone that will revolutionize cell phones.  The coolest thing about the hype that is surronding this phone (one expert is calling it a handheld computer) is that much of it is viral.  There are reports of some die-hard Apple / Mac users camping out in front of stores to be the first to get one.  Apple has made some great strategic moves […]

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Being on Time for Meetings

One of the cardinal sins of business is being late for meetings. Some problems that most entrepreneurs may have are a lack of focus, lack of attention to detail, and too many irons in the fire to begin with.  One of the things that has helped many people is to either : use a planner (Franklin Planner, etc.) use a PDA (Palm, smart phone, etc.) get a watch ( surprisingly many entrepreneurs don’t wear watches) plan ahead (surprisingly many entrepreneurs don’t plan out their day) Nothing says I am not ‘on top’ […]

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