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Tradeshows 101

What are trade shows? Trade Shows are Events where Manufactures, distributors and many other resources come together to promote their products and get new clients. These are one of the best places to gain access to suppliers more then willing to sell their products to you is at a wholesale, drop ship, or manufacturer trade show.  These trade shows take place all over the country from Hawaii to Las Vegas to New York.  If you are really interested in selling a specific type of product, but are having the hardest […]

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Walmart Changes Slogan

Many people who recently heard about the new Walmart slogan change were quite surprised.  A large part of the surprised group were of the stoic traditional marketing camp. Walmart has had its slogan “Always Low Prices” for around 19 years, and this recently mindshift to “Save Money. Live Better” looks to be a poignant campaign designed to directly link the cost savings one can expect at Walmart to the life benefits it brings. Many greet this change with mixed feelings. Many marketers appreciate brand loyalty, brand recongnition, and the investment […]

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Creating Raving Fans

A recent book that I was introduced to, and readily would recommend to any person, but especially business owners is Raving Fans: a Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service.  This book written by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles is a fantastic read for anyone looking to truly transform their business into a customer-oriented enterprise. I don’t want to give too much away, but the basic premise of the book talks about deciding what it is you want, discovering what the customers want, and finally delivering results plus 1 (or overdelivering).  What I […]

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The Power of an Offsite Retreat

I recently attended an offsite retreat at a cabin up in the mountains.  It was a brisk morning with some fantastic trainings, and great insights from a management training book. I was really impressed because of the mental shift the entire group mase over the course of one morning, and it led me to anaylze why this might have been the case? Sometimes when you introduce a new concept or are rolling out a new philosophy, a change in mindset, or looking to set the proverbial bar higher, it is […]

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