Walmart Changes Slogan

Many people who recently heard about the new Walmart slogan change were quite surprised.  A large part of the surprised group were of the stoic traditional marketing camp. Walmart has had its slogan “Always Low Prices” for around 19 years, and this recently mindshift to “Save Money. Live Better” looks to be a poignant campaign designed to directly link the cost savings one can expect at Walmart to the life benefits it brings.

Many greet this change with mixed feelings. Many marketers appreciate brand loyalty, brand recongnition, and the investment (substantial) that Walmart and other companies put into repetition of messaging.

The new spin comes as back-to-schoolers and consumers in general are seeing record prices for goods and services, gas, rent, and housing lending. The theme of saving money may prove to be as appealing as it sounds in this market.  

It is true that although the slogan has changed, many would find it hard to believe that the overall brand becomes less recognizable or result in less sales. It is about consistency and repetition.  Only time will tell if this was a good or bad move, however, be on the look out for a new marketing spin for Walmart’s ads.

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