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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs Pt. 3

When you have your message start writing your speech and your book or manuals. When you are finished determine how you will print them? Offset- print large quantities, larger cash outlay Print on Demand smaller quantities, smaller cash outlays print as needed. DVD or CDs – If you are a good presenter, do DVDs, if not use CDs. 1. can read your book into the microphone 2. give your speech 3. elaborate on speech principles Two ways to make CDs and DVDs 1. contact a professional duplicator, minimum order often […]

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ENT Division Podcast 11-13-08

Latest and greatest news, tips, and insights in your world of Entrepreneur news. Find out what’s going on in the world that you need to know about.

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ENT Division Podcast 11-5-08

Latest and greatest news, tips, and insights in your world of Entrepreneur news. Find out what’s going on in the world that you need to know about.

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ENT Division Podcast 10-20-08

Latest and greatest news, tips, and insights in your world of Entrepreneur news. Find out what’s going on in the world that you need to know about.

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