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Separate You’re Business from the Competition by Branding and Positioning

Every day we are bombarded by millions of messages. They’re everywhere, from print media to highway billboards, local supermarkets, public phone booths, our mailboxes, radios and television sets. Add to that the explosive growth of the internet and the new communication opportunities this medium presents, and today’s business owner or manager has a near-impossible task at hand; making his or her message stand out among the noise generated by others. Corporate giants long ago figured that the first and most important step in accomplishing this goal is maintaining a continuity […]

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Local Internet Searches are Growing at Astronomical Rates

 Local Internet Searches are Growing at Astronomical Rates Internet search marketing is seeing a significant growth in local consumer searches. Local online advertising is projected to account for $1.3 billion in spending this year and increase by nearly 51% the next year to $2.0 billion. Local search is experiencing strong growth as more consumers adapt to the ‘always on’ nature of their broadband connection, which enables them to quickly find information on local businesses. With approximately 849 million local searches conducted by Americans in July, local advertisers have a sizable market that […]

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Increasing Your PageRanking is Not Rocket Science

Increasing Your PageRanking is Not Rocket Science Links to your website are one of the most important criteria that search engines use to determine relevance and higher ranking for your keywords. Sites that are more recommended with links are likely to be more relevant and important than those with just a few recommended links. Sites that come highly recommended, that is, with links from industry experts and information hubs, are more likely to be relevant than sites with links from less prestigious sites. Using links to a site as a […]

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