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Business Planning Part 3 – Vision and Mission

Next is the statement of the vision statement and the mission statement. The vision statement is a description of the business as the owner envisions it in three years, and five years. Use the magic wand approach. If you could wave a magic wand and make the business anyway you would want, what it would be like. This needs to be very detailed stating things like “you’ll be operating out of a building which you own. You run five trucks in your business have ten employees, and you are no […]

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Business Planning Part 2 – Executive Summary

The executive summary is the most important part of the business plan: Because the purpose of the business plan is to sell your business idea to the reader, you have to grab their attention right away. Just like when you write a newspaper story, after the headline the first paragraph will contain the “who, what, when, where, and how much.” Then the details are filled in as the story progresses. Like a newspaper story, the executive summary should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more. The […]

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Business Planning Part 1

What a business plan is: A business plan is a report that tells the reader what your business is about. It includes several different sections like the executive summary, operating statement, mission statement, important documents, market analysis, situational analysis, and marketing plan. Why a good business plan is necessary and valuable: A good, well written business plan can be used for several important things. First, it can be used to raise money from investors or bankers, and second to help the business owner plan the details of the business and […]

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Setting up a Referral System

Even in the electronic age in which we live, word of mouth is still the most powerful marketing strategy there is. When people who have used your product or service start talking to their friends about it, you have hit pay dirt. This is like having a living breathing testimonial or endorsement doing your marketing for you. So how can you make sure this is happening all the time? Create a referral system. A referral system helps you to generate a constant stream of new referrals. If you can give […]

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