Setting up a Referral System

Even in the electronic age in which we live, word of mouth is still the most powerful marketing strategy there is. When people who have used your product or service start talking to their friends about it, you have hit pay dirt. This is like having a living breathing testimonial or endorsement doing your marketing for you.
So how can you make sure this is happening all the time?
Create a referral system.
A referral system helps you to generate a constant stream of new referrals. If you can give your current customers an incentive to tell people about your product or service, this can become a major driver of your business’ growth. There are many ways to do this. Below I have included a few links to articles that will give you some different perspectives and ideas for creating referral systems. Enjoy!

How do I create a referral system?

Benefits of a New Business Referral System

The Only Referral System that Always Works

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