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Direct Mail for Small Business 102

4. The problem of newspaper advertising: Very expensive: a full page ad in a major metropolitan newspaper can cost $30,000. The expense doesn’t allow small businesses to run ads more than one or two times a week. Only reaches 50% of a market: Example: Print run could be 100,000 Circulation could be 90,000 …Paid and free circulation Readership 60,000 and special sections such as sports could be12,000. You pay for the entire 90,000 circulation when you only want to reach your customers perhaps 10,000 in a five mile radius of your […]

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Entrepreneurial Review

With new life of spring fast approaching, many entrepreneurs look at this time of year as both a fresh beginning for life and business. It is time for out with the old and in with the new. Some may even remember New Year’s resolutions and take a renewed look at Q1 business goals. Now is a perfect time to dig into some of the testing you may have been running with different campaigns, marketing initiatives, joint ventures partnerships, the launch of new products and services, or phone scripts. Every once […]

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Small Business Dilemma

By: Beau Graves In the business world they are many different ways that you can do things, many different strategies that work.  Some entrepreneurs will tell you “The way I grew and built my business is the best way to go bigâ€? everyone has their own opinion on the subject, well here is mine. From what I have seen of the corporate world, and in the small business world there are many different types of entrepreneurs, and some of them are really good at what they do, and some of […]

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Risk-Taking for the New Year!

A risk taker is one who opens himself to change. It is the accepting of the need for change and it is taking the behavioral steps that will result in that change.  An entrepreneur identifies the hidden potential in any small idea / thought and thinks of ways to make it big. His business model will be unique, which will give more challenging situations. If the entrepreneur is a risk taker, he will be able to foresee the future, and visualize the fruits of hard work behind the risk. Risk […]

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