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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs Pt. 2

3. Printed materials, CDs and DVDs give the speaker credibility. When you send your materials to perspective conference planners, the fact that you have these materials gives you a great advantage over those speakers that don’t. The conference planner who hires the speaker must justify his/her decision to their supervisors, sometimes the CEO. The materials help sell them on you. 4.You must have a clear message for your speech and material content in order to create them.Your message needs to carry over into all printed material as well as DVD, […]

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Why Every Speaker Needs Printed Materials, CDs, and DVDs

Topics covered: Why materials needed How speakers earn their fees Ways to create credibility Have a clear message How are you different from competing speakers? 1.Why speakers need these materials Four ways to earn money- speaking fee, sell books and workbooks, sell CDs or DVDs, book other speaking engagements. 2.  Fees are usually not enough. Many speakers work on a percentage of the door pus any product they sell. Don’s example: Big name real estate guru in property management in Las Vegas Other speakers are hired on a fee only […]

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Protected: Ent Graduate Call 11-19-08

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Protected: Ent Grad Call 10-8-08

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