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Tradeshows 101

What are trade shows? Trade Shows are Events where Manufactures, distributors and many other resources come together to promote their products and get new clients. These are one of the best places to gain access to suppliers more then willing to sell their products to you is at a wholesale, drop ship, or manufacturer trade show.  These trade shows take place all over the country from Hawaii to Las Vegas to New York.  If you are really interested in selling a specific type of product, but are having the hardest […]

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How Can You Develop More Ambition?

To become ambitious, an entrepreneur first needs goals he/she wishes to achieve. These goals should not be vague desires such as making lots of money or acquiring material possessions. He/she needs to develop a vision. An entrepreneur should let himself dream, and realize who and what is he? Do you want to be known as the person who’s always dependable and fair to others? Or would you prefer to be viewed as someone who makes an important, unique contribution to the world? If you could do anything in the world […]

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Walmart Changes Slogan

Many people who recently heard about the new Walmart slogan change were quite surprised.  A large part of the surprised group were of the stoic traditional marketing camp. Walmart has had its slogan “Always Low Prices” for around 19 years, and this recently mindshift to “Save Money. Live Better” looks to be a poignant campaign designed to directly link the cost savings one can expect at Walmart to the life benefits it brings. Many greet this change with mixed feelings. Many marketers appreciate brand loyalty, brand recongnition, and the investment […]

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Entrepreneurial Exit Strategies

With the fun and lazy Labor Day holiday behind us, we begin to look at life goals. What would it take for everyday to be a Labor Day holiday? What do I need to do to be able to go boating out on the lake with family, or travel, or do nothing all day if I wanted? Let’s project months, or years down the road into the future and start looking at exit strategies. I suppose one of the first things you need to have is a goal to exit.  […]

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